Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random Ramblings

Cade at the party - Note the Lobster shirt

Sweet Dylan

Chase being silly

Mark and Cade - Hard at Work!

Tuesday was an unusual day. Mark had to go to court because he was being sued (work related). He had to sit at court all morning (the person suing him was a no-show). He was sent home about lunch time and told to call back at 3. He couldn't go back to work so he came home. Here he is with Cade taking a nap. Cute boys! Mark had to go back up there at 3 and the case was finally dismissed. I'll bet he is busy at work today!

The boys came home from school and then we went to a party for their friends at a jump house place. They had fun! Cade started to meltdown! He gets so overwhelmed at times and just starts screaming. He is 4! I thought this would have stopped by now. We have worked with him to use big boy words, we have tried time-out, we have worked with him on taking deep breaths. He is definitely better. But then days like yesterday happen and we are back at square one. This morning he was super sweet and cooperative. He has been great all day today. Maybe the screaming will stop by the time he is 5?! I think it bothers me more when other people witness it. I don't want Cade to be labeled the screaming child!

After the party, Chase and Dylan had a cub scout meeting. We rushed home, changed clothes, and went straight to the meeting. The meeting ended at 7:30 and the boys still had not had dinner and had not done any homework. We grabbed fast food (taco night at Rosa's) and came home. Do you think they made their 8:30 bedtime?

We have been trying to teach the boys to be more responsible for their things. It is not working very well so we are adding consequences. I have worked so hard at organizing their toys just to have them throw the toys wherever they feel like. So now, they have to organize the toys themselves. There will be no television or DS until it is done! We are on day 2 so far. I am also so tired of picking up their clothes. So the new rule is if I pick up their clothes the next morning then they have to go to bed 30 minutes early for every garment retrieved. Dylan was reminded several times last night and numerous times this morning. He DID NOT DO IT! I picked up 8 garments! 8! That would be 4 hours early to bed - which is impossible. We will have to break it up into 2 days! 8 GARMENTS! We will see what happens.

Mark has had a persistent sore throat so he went in today to have a strep culture. Guess what, it is positive! Case #7 of strep throat for the family this year. Please pray that this does not start another round of strep for the boys. I just paid the hugest medical bill!

One more cute story then I am done. The boys pray at night. Cade loves to pray for his family and his blessings. Monday night he prayed for his family (by name) and for his brother Judy. I asked him who his brother Judy was and he said that his brother Judy was in his tummy. I said "brother Judy is in your tummy" and he said, "yes, right here" while he pointed at his belly button. He is soooo confused (and cute).

1 comment:

tamandscott said...

Jenna! Don't worry about Cade. He is such a sweet little boy. Key word being...BOY. All boys go through that. I will never label him anything but a sweetie!!