Monday, April 03, 2006


Cade continues to make me laugh. He went with me Sunday to buy a gift for a baby. I was explaining to him that we were buying a gift for his friend's sister. He proceeded to tell me that he was getting a sister. Since this was news to me, I asked him when this was happening. He told me next week. Since that is very fast, I asked him where this sister was coming from. His answer, "Cabela's". So funny! Then there is his lunch choice today. He got a bowl and some sugar (while I was not watching). He then proceeded to coat his Cheetos with sugar and eat them - gross. I caught him and poured out the sugar. When I looked again a few minutes later he had added sugar again. He must like how that tastes - yuck! This time I removed the sugar from the table. Yuck, yuck! Cade is very into lobsters lately - don't know why. I found a lobster shirt for him at Target. He loves it! As soon as I brought it home yesterday he put it on. He asked to sleep in it but I told him that I needed to wash it. He wanted to wear it today but it is in the laundry. He retrieved it out of the laundry and wanted to wear it - but mean mommy is insisting that it be washed. Guess what he is wearing tomorrow?

Nate gets bigger every single day. He seems to have really grown lately. It is going too fast and it makes me so sad. Saturday night, Mark gave Nate his first cup of juice. On Sunday, Mark was playing with Nate in church. He was hiding a toy behind a book and then he was having the toy peek out from the top of the book. He would hide the toy and then Nate would pull on the book and try to find the toy! He has learned that things exist even if they are not in sight! When did he get so smart. He is also learning to anticipate things. Like when he sees his bib coming he closes his eyes and prepares (same thing for the wipe to clean his face). The other day, I had his bib on him, he was in his bouncy, he saw the food and then I dared to walk away to give something to Cade. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he did not like that and that I had better return pronto! I started today to try to teach him the sign for more. We'll see how long that takes. Sweet baby!


tamandscott said...

I bet it won't take long. I have a list of signs we used with Bryce (although I'm sure by kid #4 you have it down!). I loved it when Bryce could sign. Now he talks...and talks.....and talks....

Amy C said...

I will share the cheeto tip with Bryan. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I must be tired. I've been sitting here trying to understand what was so gross about sugar and Cheetos, but I realized I was picturing Cheerios & thinking that sounded pretty yummy! I need a vacation. Super cute stories about super cute you!