Sunday, April 23, 2006

One of the Many

One of the many reasons that I love Mark is that he is so kind to others. He never talks down to others or thinks that he is better than others. He always tries to address those who are serving him by their first names (like the fast food workers or the waitress at a restaurant). He is also very kind to those who are disabled. There is a boy in cub scouts with Chase whose older brother has a rare metabolic disorder that was not caught in time (similar to PKU). The brother cannot speak or interact with others and just stays in a wheelchair. Mark always makes it a point to talk to him and to give him a pat, even though the brother is not aware of it. We also have new neighbors. Their 13 year old son functions at a 4 year old level. Mark interacts with him and treats him like he is a person of worth. I love that he is that way and that he is teaching my boys how to be compassionate to others. Love you honey!


mcjacobsjournal said...

That is such a sweet post for your sweet husband. That really says alot about him that he truly seeks those who need a friendly face of encouragement in their lives. What a great role model for your four sweet boys. :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww. Mark! You are so cool!
But, then again, your family ALWAYS knew that!
Jenna, you're the best to let everyone else know.

tamandscott said...

Mark is one of my favorite people for that very reason!

Anonymous said...

Jenna, you make our hearts swell with love, not only for our four adorablely sweet grandsons and our son but for you too! Your are such a blessing to our family!! We love you!!!

The "In-laws"