Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How They Have Grown

Here the boys are on the top of Johnson's Mesa overlooking Hermit's Peak almost exactly a year ago. I wanted to get the same shot but we were so busy all weekend that we did not make it up Johnson's Mesa. We settled for a shot by the Blue Haven sign. Nate was having a severe attack of Mommyitis so I had to be in the picture. My sweet boys are growing up!
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PB said...

Mommyitis. I didn't know there was a word for that. You are too funny. They are growing fast and they are so cute.

See-Dub said...

What is your connection with Blue Haven? I knew someone in college who was a counselor there in the late '80s: Jennifer Head. Does that name ring a bell? She LOVED Camp Blue Haven and made it sound like the most wonderful place on earth.

You're not kidding about your boys growing up! They've done a lot of growing in one year's time!