Monday, May 14, 2007

Chase's Gift

Chase did have a Mother's Day project this year - he just forgot to give it to me!!

Here is what he wrote - I have corrected the spelling because I just have to correct it!! I have a feeling that spelling will never be his strength.

My mom is the best
Other people like her
The mom of the year
Here she is
Everyone likes her
Really nice to people

My mom's name is Jenna. She has greeen eyes and colorful (?) hair. She is 35 years old and was born in the year 1972. (Pretty close except that I was born in 1971)

My mom is as fast as a hawk, as wise as a tiger, as pretty as a flower, and as precious as a 123,456,789,101,112,dollars and more. My mom is very smart, she knows all about math, science, geometry, and motherhood. The nicest thing my mom ever did was take me to Six Flags and bought me ice cream. Mom spends most of her time doing these things: taking time with me, cooking, watching movies with me (thank goodness he didn't say working!). Once when I was sad, my mom made me feel better by telling me if you don't miss one thing on your spelling test I'll let you become a member on Club Penguin (I won't even tell you how many misspellings there were in that section!). My favorite memory of my mom is when she let me play soccer for 3 years and then she let me play baseball for one year. If I could give my mom anything in the world for Mother's Day, I would give her 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (this fills the entire page_ and a diamond as big as a fifty-foot building. Here is a special Mother's Day message from me: I love you more than you could ever imagine. Larger than the sun and all the planets including the ones not found, also the space up to God. Love, Chase

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