Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Surgery

Before the surgery - See that smile (we miss that smile)
After the surgery - Chase was having a lot of pain and the medicine that they were giving him was not working so they finally gave him morephine - that did the trick
Being discharged - my poor baby

Chase had is tonsils taken out on Friday. He was so nervous about it that he was sick to his stomach on Thursday. My poor baby! He did really well the first 2 days and I had visions of him bouncing right back and going back to school by Tuesday - NOT! We had been warned by a lot of people that the recovery would take around a week, and they were all correct. He is still having such a hard time. Most of his time is spent laying on the couch sleeping and watching television. I am soooo sick of Animal Planet! He finally smiled last night - it had been a long time. I was so excited thinking that he would be so much better today. This morning he was so sick to his stomach and hurting so bad. It is really hard to watch your baby hurt and not be able to really help him. My poor, sweet baby. Posted by Picasa


tamandscott said...

Ugh, I hate that for Chase. It will all be worth it and much better soon!! I'm glad everything went well.

See-Dub said...

Those pictures from the hospital brought back some nasty memories. Watching our babies in pain just tortures us moms! I'm praying Chase turns the corner soon and that smile comes back for good!

Devona said...

Poor Chase. I hope he's feeling better now. There's nothing worse for a parent than to see their child in pain, knowing they can't help them. Give him a big hug for me and tell him Sammy hopes he feels better soon.