Friday, July 14, 2006

Some People

Sometimes I forget that some people in the world are not very nice. Some people in the world make choices that make me cringe. I believe that most people are good or at least they want to be good. But then there are those the man picking his son up at college for kids. The parking assistant was kindly asking the man to pull his car forward because his car was in the fire zone. Simple request, right? This man starting yelling and screaming. And let's just say that he was not using words that are kind to the ears of children. He kept getting in this poor parking assistant's face. Even after campus security came the man continued to rant and rave - OVER PULLING HIS CAR FORWARD!!!! His poor kid just kept trying to crawl into the Mercedes. Why? I just don't get it. Then there was the lovely conversation I overheard at the airport (woman was talking loudly on her cell phone right beside me so she was not trying to be discreet). She was telling her friend all about the lovely time she had just had with this man. And about how she "gave" him a great time (so discreet). Apparently, he had a surprise for her that he finally revealed at dinner. He had gotten married!! She told him congratulations. She then proceeded to tell her friend that he should be married, after all, she is!!!!! Makes me feel so glad to get back home to my sweet, sweet family.


Amy C said...

Yikes! Can't believe people are so raunchy sometimes! I can't believe Chase is doing college for kids. I don't know how you do it. I am just not there yet. Sounds like he is doing great. Good job Chase.

tamandscott said...

Nasty. You always run into wierdos at the airport (I act like a fly sooo much:).