Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Here we are in 1992!

Our anniversary was on Sunday (the 16th). I wanted to post before this, but there has not been a chance. Things have been too busy here lately, Mark and I haven't even been able to go out for our anniversary. Maybe by December we can have a date!

Most of the guys I dated before Mark were really good guys, but they would drive me crazy after 2 weeks. I always wanted them to just go away. There was only one other person besides Mark who I dated for more than 2 weeks. I think about him now and I wonder what I was thinking!?!?! Mark and I were set up on a blind date by my brother. We were really just friends at first. I remember that even before we were dating Mark helped me through hard times. He rescued me from the Taco Bell drive through when he saw me crying (no, it wasn't the fact that I had to eat Taco Bell that had me crying). He is still there for me during the hard times. When my heart was breaking 2 years ago, he was my rock and my encouragement. Any time I need to talk to someone, he is there for me. He has always been so supportive. How many dads do you know who take care of their 4 boys while their wife is gone all day working? Most of the time without complaint! Mark knew from the start that I wanted at least 4 kids. He seems to remember a conversation that we had where I agreed to 3 - I seem to have blotted that conversation from my memory! The truth is that Mark is the best daddy! He plays with the boys and spends time with the boys. The boys have a relationship with their daddy and they feel very loved by their daddy. Watching him with the boys makes me love him even more! I love him very much and I feel very blessed that I get to share my life with him. I know that Mark is the man who I was meant to marry. I have never regretted marrying him and I never want him to go away. Posted by Picasa


Amy C said...

Happy anniversary Mark and Jenna!!! We are glad that we can call you friends.

Anonymous said...

Jenna, you make me cry with joy once again. We love you both so very much! Of course our love of our four grandsons is without question also!

Charles says you plotted and planned that crying spell because you knew Mark was a pushover when it comes to tears. Knowing you, I know better.

When can we come in and keep the boys so you can have that date?

tamandscott said...

Mark, you rock. You also were quite a man in 1992 with all that chest hair:)! Y'all are awesome!

mcjacobsjournal said...

Happy Anniversary to you two! I love that picture! And, I love what all you wrote about your sweet husband. You are such a neat family and I hope you have a great time celebrating another year in love! (Make Jenise keep the kids so you can go out!!)

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I totally recognize both of you!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
