Friday, February 20, 2009

January Pictures from my Phone

The iPhone comes in so handy when at a doctor's appointment. We had Chase's quarterly growth doctor appointment, and Dylan's annual check-up. Dylan has been given the all clear. He is going to be a late-bloomer. He is also not going to be very tall, but that is not shocking news. He does not have to go back anymore. Chase had not grown at his last appointment. They really upped his dose last time, and it worked great! After this appointment, it was time to fill his prescription. The insurance company did not want to approve the higher dose. After a week of calling numerous people (call a person who has you call another person who has you call another person who has you call the first person who has you call........), we finally got a "one-time" approval for the medication. By this time, Chase had almost gone a week without his medicine. Irritating! Stats from the appointment: Chase is 56.5 inches and weighs 88 pounds, Dylan is 50 inches and weighs 56 pounds, Cade insisted on being measured and is 48 inches tall (he will be taller than Dylan very soon - he is so tall).

Dylan has been wanting to go to the new "Which Wich" that opened near our home. He loved it! So did Nate and Cade. Chase tolerated it. I found it to be not so good and very, very overpriced. I have no desire to return, but the boys had fun. I was recovering from the stomach bug so maybe my taste buds were off.

The boys loved the high stools. Nate on the high stool made me a little nervous, but he did great.

Dylan being very goofy. Shocking, I know!

Sweet Cade

Cool Chase

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