Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Portrait of a Tuesday

Today started like most Tuesdays begin. After all the boys were dropped off at school, I began the Tuesday morning hurry up and straighten the train wreck of a house before the cleaning ladies arrive. Most Tuesdays I do not shower until the afternoon because of the crazy cleaning rush, and because I do not want to be in the shower when the cleaning ladies arrive. My wardrobe of choice today was a t-shirt and some workout pants (they need to be worn for some reason). After my house is "clean" and Nate is down for a nap (which he actually took today), I start in on some of my work. Today's task was a filing job. I was being productive, so the shower keeps getting pushed back. The boys come home from school, and I continue to be productive. Something starts nagging at me. I get the sense that I am forgetting something. I decide that I better look at my calendar when, BAM, I remember!! I was supposed to pick up my friend's son from his school!!! I look at the clock and panic, the poor child is already out of school. We rush to the car, and I drive as fast as I legally can. I call the school (a very prestigious school) and let them know that I am coming. That is when I become cognizant of the fact that I don't have shoes on my feet. I flash to a vision of having to walk into this prestigious school in my white trash glory! For review, no shower and smelly, no make-up, yucky clothes, hair pulled back (not neatly) into a ponytail, and no shoes. Better than that, none of the boys have shoes on their feet. In fact, Nate does not even have on pants. What an embarrassment to my friends. It was one of my finer moments. Fortunately for me, I did not have to get out of the car!! Cade's buddy climbed into the car, and I apologized profusely to him. He was gracious and quickly forgave me. He even tried to make me feel better by telling me that there would be no extra charge, but if I had been 5 minutes later!! Of course, then I had to confess to his parents when they arrived to pick him up from my house. There is no way to make it look better. "Thanks for letting me pick up your son, sorry I almost forgot and was ridiculously late." Of course, they were very gracious. Do you think that they will ever ask me to pick him up again? If they do, you better believe that I will be setting an alarm or 20! How late was I? Let's just leave it at late ;)

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