Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Chase had his first experience with the TAKS test on Tuesday. It was stressful, to say the least. The school has been working the kids up into a frenzy. Practice tests, strategies, pep rallies, tips on what to eat for breakfast, goody bags, etc... Chase got up Tuesday morning and he was a bundle of nerves. He had forgotten to do something so he was doing it really fast and he got super emotional. As he walked out the door for school his final words were that he was scared. I worried about him all day! He came home tired. He survived the test but he said that his head and tummy hurt! He also said that he got emotional and had to leave the room when he started to read the encouragement note that I had sent for his goody bag. He couldn't even read it all at the time. He glanced at the bottom of the note and saw that I had put that we all loved him, especially Nate. He said that part made him feel emotional. He said that the note made him feel so happy that he got emotional. I don't know about this much pressure on him! Maybe it is good because he has to learn to deal with pressure in his life but it just seems like it is sooooo much pressure. So glad it's over (for this time).


Jennifer said...

I'm sure he did awesome. I understand all those emotions. I used to see kids every year get so upset over that test. I wish the pressure wasn't there but unfortunately, I'm afraid it's here to stay. You are so sweet with your encouraging note to him. I'm sure that really helped him get through it- knowing his family loved and supported him.

Amy C said...

Bailey loved the note to. I know it really helped. Probably was a good stress relief to just get it out too. Poor Chase. I am glad it is over too!

Danielle said...

Sweet Chase! I'm sure he did great and even though I know the schools are doing their best for the kiddos, it makes me sad to think Chase felt that way today... and he's not even my child. However, he is such a great kid and he knows he is loved dearly no matter what the score of his test shows. That sounds successful to me :)!