Friday, February 23, 2007

Going Outside

When it was super cold last week, I was not about to go outside. Nate had different ideas. He wanted his coat on and then he insisted on going outside. He was not happy that I would not give in to his demands. He waited at the door (not happily) for a long time and then he finally gave up and just walked around the house with his coat on! Stinkpot!

What do you mean I can't go outside!

I am going to wait at this door until you let me out!!
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Jennifer said...

At least you didn't get everyone dressed (in shorts mind you) and head to the park. Guess I should have called time and temp today.

Hope Cade gets better!

Jenna said...

These pictures are actually from last week, like when it was 20 degrees!! No way was I going to get out in that. It was definitely colder than I expected today!! I was spoiled by the couple of beautiful days. I am so ready for Spring!

See-Dub said...

I love how he has the coat on but no shoes! He'll wear the coat in protest, but he's not going to give up the comfort of bare feet!