Friday, October 02, 2009

New York City - Day 1

A group of my college friends always plan a summer get together. This year, life got in the way for most of the group :( Only 4 of us were going to be able to make it. Never fear, with the help of some reward tickets, we made a spur of the moment decision to go to New York City!!

The trip was fantastic, refreshing, marvelous, wonderful - I think you get the point. I am so blessed to have such wonderful, lifelong friends. The kind of friends who can make you cry with laughter and who you can cry with about your heartaches. The conversations easily flow from memories that have us rolling with laughter to struggles in our lives to deep theological discussions. It was a fabulous time. Wonderful. Stupendous. When can we do it again?

Since it was a spur of the moment trip booked using reward tickets, we had to get a little creative with our flights. We knew that we had a long day of travel, but we did not really pay attention to our connections. I was just guessing that we had a long layover somewhere. Nope, we flew Dallas to Austin to ORLANDO to Long Island (Alison started out from Lubbock). Best thing, we didn't care. It just became a joke. We went to Orlando and to New York City :) So, the first day of our trip was spent on a plane then on a train then on the subway, and it was great!

Mandy and Alison
Anna and me

A double rainbow outside of the plane window
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1 comment:

Stacey said...

love a girls' trip!! how fun! the pics are great!