Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chase's Graduation

Tuesday, June 3rd was the last day of school. It was also Chase's graduation. He will go to intermediate school next year (sniff, sniff). We are so proud of him. We feel that he is a wonderful kid. Even though he is not fond of school, he does his best and makes good grades. He is kind to others and always has a ton of friends. He is becoming less boy and more teenager - this should be fun ;)

One thing that shocked me about his awards is that he received perfect attendance. I had no idea that he had not missed a day of school all year.

Here is a picture of Chase with his teacher. I couldn't get a picture of him on stage with her because that was the moment that Nate decided to be a little stinker.

We celebrated school being out by going to play laser tag later that night. Mark met us there and took Nate home so that the big boys could play. I had some coupons, and we were able to play 3 games. You should have seen Chase and one of his friends flirting with some teenage girls - it was hysterical. He is a flirt!
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