Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What do you get?

When you take this sweet (very innocent) boy
and add these 3 objects
You get a DVD drive on the computer that will not open. Mark took it apart and found the cause! What a stinker!

Nate has been very sick this week. I took him to the doctor because of respiratory problems. He almost got put in the hospital - Yuck! Luckily, breathing treatments and steroids are helping him out. The nurse was amazed at how well he took the steroid (truly nasty stuff - Chase used to throw it up). He did one thing at the doctor's office that cracked me up. The nurse called, "Nathan" so Nate corrected her and said, "No, it's Nate". Made me laugh. Nate is much better today. Today, he has been playing doctor. He takes the tubing from the nebulizer and uses it as a stethoscope. He listens to my lungs and says, "good". Then he gives me medicine to make me better. Then it is my turn to examine him. He has also started to play with the action figures. It is so cute! He calls all of them, "Superman". My cute, coughing boy.

I have to brag on my husband a bit. Things have been very crazy here lately. I had a very busy January and then I got sick. That is a very bad combination. I am incredibly behind with my typing. I have had to focus on my typing so the house has not been my top priority. Mark comes home from a long day at work and then he takes care of the boys and cleans the house without me even asking him to do so. It takes off so much of the stress that I am feeling. I am so blessed to have him as my husband. He is such an involved daddy. Whenever I have to be gone for work, I never worry about how the boys are doing. Mark takes them places (Cabela's mostly) and does things with them. I wish I did not have to work, but a good side effect from my working is that the boys have such a good relationship with their daddy. I am blessed.

Back to typing.
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Amy C said...

Mark is a great Daddy!

Maybe Nate will be a Dr. when he grows up.

Sorry about all the sickness.

See-Dub said...

Yea for Mark!

Brett's been doing more than his share of work around here lately, totally saving me from insanity through the work crunch.

We are blessed!

Hope everybody's feeling better!

Laura said...

Okay, Thomas and Nate DO NOT need to hang out together ~ they have just a little bit too much in common. Yesterday my dear husband asked me if I knew where my debit card was and I assumed it was in my wallet. Wrong! It was in the DVD drive of the laptop. Sad that I didn't even know it was missing!