Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tree Trimming

The boys were so excited about decorating the tree this year. As soon as I had the tree up, they were diving into the ornaments and hanging them up. They had so much fun looking at them and talking about them. Every year, I buy them 2 of the same ornaments. I try to find ones that fit them for the year (for example, last year I bought Dylan Pokemon ones). I write their name and the year on the ornament. Once they are married, I will give them one set and keep the other.

Nate was especially excited. This is the first year that he really "got" Christmas. He was having so much fun.

This is the boys absolutely favorite "ornament". It is actually something that Mark got in high school or junior high on a mission trip to Mexico. You pull the lever on the top, and a snake pops up and bites you. It sits somewhere on our tree every year. It is removed frequently for quick bites ;)
The boys admiring their work.
The finished product

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