Sunday, July 08, 2007

An Afternoon at Starbucks

I am at a Starbucks in Houston. I am lucky enough to snag the comfy chair in the corner. With my coffee and my computer, it is the perfect place to work - with blogging breaks of course. The coffee is delicious and addictive. The music is as loud and diverse as the people around me are. The other comfy chair opens up and the crowd eyes it. The girl with the GRE study guide is the first to nab it. An older gentleman tries to use his keys to unlock a car. He has a perplexed look on his face because they are not working. The mystery is solved when the owner of the car gently tells him that the car he is trying to get into is not his car. The confused look is replaced with an apologetic one and he soon finds the correct vehicle. There is the cute, young married couple sitting at separate tables studying for their classes. They should have just shared a table because they frequently lean over to talk and share. There is the cute girl with that intense, weary expression that comes when you have a stack of 5 textbooks next to you!!!! I do not miss college. There are other people working (just as hard as I am, I am sure), others are reading the newspaper, and others are sitting on the patio because they enjoy cigarettes and coffee. A family of 4 comes in. The children have that sleepy, rumpled look and no shoes on their sweet chubby feet. They collapse in chairs while their parents talk to them in a language I cannot understand. I miss my boys. My favorite person in the the cafe is the woman reading a book about urinary and fecal something something. Her red hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Her camouflage top is complimented by her camouflage rain boots. She completes the ensemble with a lovely, black fanny pack positioned with the pack in front. When I first arrived, she was visiting with someone at the next table. I assumed they were friends. Then a couple sat down at that table and she began talking to them also. That couple quickly left. Then a man sits down and she strikes up a conversation with him. Soon the very attractive woman that he was waiting on arrives. They try to balance talking together with talking with her. Hope it is not a first date. Back to work for me. I really am working hard!

1 comment:

PB said...

I love this post. You are so clever.