I think the Tooth Fairy might have had a difficult time obtaining Dylan's tooth last night. Dylan put his tooth in the tooth holder and then he proceeded to put his tooth
IN his pillowcase with the opening of the pillowcase placed toward the wall and went to sleep on said pillow. I did not talk to the Tooth Fairy, but I suspect that she had a difficult time finding the tooth holder, retrieving the tooth holder, and then returning the tooth holder with the loot. Luckily, she was successful! I had Dylan's teacher conference today. He is doing very well in school. She commented on how funny Dylan is. She stated that she and the gifted and talented teacher exchange stories about the funny things that Dylan comes up with in class. He is a hoot!
Today we had an adventure in dressing with Cade. He has a new favorite shirt. He loves this orange Pokemon shirt that was Chase's favorite when he was 4 or 5. Needless to say it is not in the best shape. Well Cade likes to dress himself now. This morning, a school day, he came down in this Pokemon shirt and with some big soccer shorts. I was able to tell him that soccer shorts are not good school shorts and that he needed to put on jean shorts. No problem. Of course he put on a pair that was too big. Fortunately, he let me help him pick out another pair. I really wanted the Pokemon shirt off (it is time for that shirt to find the trash can). Luckily, Cade ate waffles so I just had to watch closely until he dropped a bite on himself (always happens). Then, he had to change his shirt because it was dirty! Problem solved!! Well, not quite. He changed into his brother's too big for him Pokemon shirt. I just gave up! That was not a battle worth fighting and he went to school happy!
Fortunately, Nate is feeling better today. He finally said Ma-Ma yesterday. It was very pitiful because he was hurting and needing me, but it was music to my ears. He now prefers walking to crawling. If he falls down then he will get back up and walk again. I especially love how he is imitating behaviors now. If he gets a hat, he puts it on his head. Sunglasses? On his face. Phone? To his ear. Hairbrush? He tries to comb the pitiful amount of hair that he has. When I put shampoo on his hair in the bathtub then he puts his hands up to his head and starts to scrub. So cute. Another thing that he does that makes me laugh is that when I tell him "no" he will turn around and look at me with his cute face and say "ya". I was also excited to learn that he now weighs 19 pounds and 10 ounces. We may make the 20 pounds mark before he reaches 15 months! I just love my little peanut!