Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nate's Spring Program

The children file in and are positioned properly on the stage. That is when the scanning starts. This is the moment when Nate's scanning paid off, and he found Chase in the crowd. I love the look that comes over his face when he finds his family. Relief first, then happiness. He smiles and gives a quick wave. Now he is ready to perform. Chase brought the camera up close so that he could take some pictures. At one point, Chase returned to sit with us. Nate started the nervous scanning again, so I sent Chase back up close. Chase was soon rewarded with the relieved and happy face.

All the children are praising God, except for Nate who is picking his nose :(

After the program, we went to Nate's room for his open house. Here is a some of Nate's work. He just wants to play with guns.
..and Nate's friend just wants to feed people. We joked that Nate is the republican, and his friend is the democrat :) With Mark as their father, my boys have no chance of not liking guns.

Nate truly adores Chase. Here he is having Chase carry him around. He was so proud to show off his work to Chase.

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