Sunday, January 13, 2008

Last Trip to Six Flags

We took our last trip of the season to Six Flags on the 2nd. It was cold, but we bundled up. Cousins and Aunt Charlotte joined us and we had a fantastic time. Some of our favorite rides were closed, but the boys still had a blast. Lines were almost non-existent which is always a plus. Charlotte and her boys were able to buy super cheap season passes since they don't live here. I can't wait to go back with all the cousins this summer. I really enjoy being able to do something fun with my boys. I am glad that they will have memories of riding the Titan with me (if I can ever get anyone else besides Chase on it). Dylan is not so brave about roller coasters, but he has a strong love of any ride that involves spinning. (I can only handle a little bit of those without feeling like puking).
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