Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dylan!

Wednesday was Dylan's 9th birthday. Wednesday is a hard day to have your birthday on, since church is in the evening.

I took cookies to his classroom. His teacher wasn't quite ready for us. Nate became very upset since he wanted to sit by Dylan right then! He started throwing a fit (very proud mommy moment), so we went out into the hall until it was time. Nate was very happy to be able to sit by Dylan and eat a cookie. When we first got there, Dylan was sitting at his desk with his head down on his desk. I asked him about it, and he told me that he was just tired. His friend came over to play after school. Dylan was a bit subdued, but he seemed fine. Can you tell where this is headed? I fixed Dylan's favorite food for dinner, macaroni and cheese. He ate some, then told me that he was full and that his head hurt a little. Very unusual for Dylan to not eat macaroni and cheese. I touched his head and the cause of the headache was immediately known. Poor Dylan runs a 102 degree fever on his birthday! Since Mark was working late, there was no church last night. Dylan was able to open his present. He was thrilled with the Wii American Idol game. We all had a lot of fun with some Wii Karoke. When Dylan went to bed last night, I was sure that he had strep throat. He woke up this morning with no fever and feeling fine. He still stayed home from school. Hopefully he will stay fever free and feeling good.

In honor of his birthday - here are 9 things that I love about Dylan.

1) He is so stinkin' smart! Scary smart at times. I can't wait to see what he does with his life.

2) He has fantastic blue eyes! They are the best color. He is the only one of our boys who has truly kept the blue color.

3) He loves to read - I love that he loves to do something that I love to do also

4) He is an individual. He is not afraid to do things his own way.

5) He is sweet-hearted. He is the one who will tell you that you look pretty, and he really means it.

6) He is incredibly sweet to Nate. Nate has been very attached to Dylan lately.

7) He is super silly - sometimes this is funny, sometimes it is just incredibly annoying.

8) He has always made the most hysterical sound effects. I think he walks around with his own internal soundtrack playing and the noises just escape some of the time!

9) He has a strong sense of what is fair and just. He treats others accordingly.

We love you sweet Dyl Wyl.

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Stacey said...

i hope you sang happy birthday to him, american idol-style!!!

See-Dub said...

Happy birthday, Dylan!

Hope he's feeling better today!

Nicole said...

I just spent 20 minutes catching up on all of your fun blog entries! Your family has been busy! Happy birthday to all of the birthday boys! The beach towels are PRECIOUS...I love them and especially how they are all different, yet coordinated. Very cute!